Procedures for attending clinic – 15th September 2023

Although most places are not requiring masks, as I am a healthcare facility, I am requesting that patients kindly wear a mask. The reasoning for this is that I am working with a lot of vulnerable patients, working in close contact and often in the same room for 45 minutes or more with patients. Please…

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Notice of appointment cancellation

In these COVID times I know it is difficult to give notice but if you are ill in any way :- cold, runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache, tummy bug, covid positive, close covid contact etc, I am happy for you to contact me, and we discuss whether you attend your appointment or not. I…

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Return to careful practice – July 2021

Please complete up-to 24 hours (no earlier) before attending your treatment.   Click here to complete your CV19 Consent Form There are very few changes to procedures from the April release I am still offering the new normal of “careful practice”. This is treatment for both chronic and urgent medical conditions with appropriate PPE and abiding…

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Return to careful practice – April 2021

Please complete up-to 24 hours (no earlier) before attending your treatment.   Click here to complete your CV19 Consent Form I am pleased to say that from the 12th April 2021 I am allowed to offer the new normal of “careful practice”. This is treatment for both chronic and urgent medical conditions with appropriate PPE and…

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